Burn the Iran Flag!Burn the Iranian Flag!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Chuckles the dancing clown is still at it.

This time, his open mindedness is forcing him to comment on another state's business. If I recall, Charles Johnson is from Southern California, that hotbed of sanity where pot and racism are given to you as you exit the womb. He dares to stick is oversize (I'm not lyin' just look at it! It's ginormous!) nose into the business of Texas education. He's worried that kids are going to learn religion in school because there are some (and I don't agree with them) who want to teach that there are flaws with the evolutionary theory. Now I believe that there are flaws with the theory, just as there are with ALL man-inspired theories. It doesn't make them false; it makes them imperfect. Darwin recognized that his observations were not perfect; I don't believe in creation the way that some do, but I also don't believe that everything just evolved. Something caused it. Something had to be the spark. Was it God? You have to die to find out. Of course, by then, it's too late.

But back to Johnson. It's people like this that make me want to puke. He knows it all, but he doesn't know enough to let people be wrong in their beliefs. He bans people from his blog for daring to think differently. Almost like Li'l Kim John Il.

Grow up Chuckles. You aren't the smartest guy in the room. Hell, you're not even in the top one billion. Give it a rest.


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