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Saturday, July 19, 2008

It's official. The Democrats are convinced that we are sheep

From Fox News:

WASHINGTON — The political vision of a summer gas tax holiday died a quick death in Congress, losing to a view that federal excise taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel — far from dropping — will have to go up if they go anywhere.

Despite calls from the presidential campaign trail for a Memorial Day-to-Labor Day tax freeze, lawmakers quickly concluded — with a prod from the construction industry — that having $9 billion less to spend on highways could create a pre-election specter of thousands of lost jobs.

Now I was not one of the people calling for a "gas tax holiday," cause it seemed to me to be a short term solution to a long term problem. But I think that the democrats are monumentally stupid to raise our taxes in a time when the economic conditions are at the edge of a recession. We cut back on driving because of the high cost of gasoline, and because we buy less gasoline, the government is losing money that could go for infrastructure. I got a better idea. All of these morons in congress can just get rid of their little perks and live just like the rest of us slobs out here.

If my congressman votes for this, I'll be sure to show up at his next meet and greet. You'll recognize me easily. I'll be the guy giving him the finger all session long.


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