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Thursday, August 14, 2008

"Never Go Full Retard"

OK, there seems to be a bit of a controversy about the film "Tropic Thunder." Apparently, there are some disabled groups that are upset the the use of the term "retard." This term is liberally sprinkled throughout the film. I can understand why some groups would be hurt by this, but frankly, aren't we tired YET of being a perpetually offended society? These are fucking words, people! Think about it. A century ago, the "n" word was normally used, to describe someone of African origin. It's a term that is out of favor today, replaced by "colored," which was replaced by "black," which was replaced by "African American." "Idiot" was replaced by "moron," which was replaced by "retarded," which was replaced by "special," which has morphed into "special needs."

If you can be hurt by a word, then you must be pretty fucking weak.
It's a comedy. Get over yourselves.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Sticks and stones luv."- Capt. Jack Sparrow

12:15 AM  

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